Sunday, August 30, 2009

My latest addition to my carnival series

This one only comes as a template, not sure if I'll even try a script on this one. It's a cute addition to the carousel, bumper car, ferris wheel, & ticket booth (all available as script or template).

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

New Alpha Sets Going In Stores

Here are my latest alphas going into stores today. All are 300 dpi indiviadual png files. Perfectly sized for all needs from printing to tagging. Each set includes uppercase & lowercase alphabet, numbers 0-9, 3 punctuations, & 5 characters.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Freebie Blog Layout

Here's A Blog Background made from Vella's Wild & Feisty Kit. You can find her gorgeous kit at one of her stores from her blog here.

Download the freebie blog background here. Personal Use Only!

Getting Back On Track

Been a while since I last posted on the blog....summer with the kids have kept me busy the past week or so.

I have just added a few alpha sets to all of my stores, except 2Scrappin girls which will have them soon.

I am having a sale all of my stores, hoping to make a little bit to help with the kids back to school stuff and my youngest son has a birthday coming up on the 30th. He'll be 5. :-) He is starting Kindergarten this year! They grow up way too fast!